Friday, October 17, 2008

So my little girl is turning into a craft kid! Marlie is 5 and she is stating to want to make cards with stamps and pick out her own colors! She also is starting to help me make desserts! We haven't quite made it to the actual cooking dinner part, or the cleaning up part yet. My goal for age 6 is to get her to learn these valuable lessons!! She made her very first stamped card. She cut it out and glued it on the paper all by herself, I am so proud I had to share it! The other pictures are of her making Strawberry Rice Crispy treats!!


Jenn said...

FUN! Way to go Marlie.

Something to look forward too with my girls, before the teen years ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope she makes my birthday card!! And some rice krispie treats with chocolate chips in them. My favorite.

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle! This is so cool! I love you guys and am so glad you have a blog spot now! Are you going to keep your myspace?

Mama Griffith, said...

beware, once you teach them the joys of cooking they are ever under your feet or clinging to your legs begging "mommy I want to help!!!" and yet when its time to clean one but you stands in the kitchen. Somtimes I try to be sneaky and get the muffins into the oven before they notice. then I can say, 'Oh I love your help but mommy already did everyting, you can help me eat them' Is marley going to school or are you homeschooling her?

Michele Kovack said...

awwww how cute! What a great thing for you two to share!

Anonymous said...

So fun!! You have the best girls...they are so much fun! I can't wait to do stuff like that with Amaya